Jeremy was out of town pretty much the whole week...so Dillan and I took a trip to Grandma's house to enjoy some time with her (really, to give myself another person to help with Dillan...I am really sick of the single parent thing). It was nice because my mom had time off of subbing because of UEA. We didn't really do a whole lot, but we tried to do one thing each day to get out of the house.

Tuesday we dropped Jeremy off at the airport in the morning. We hung out all afternoon and did nothing the rest of the day. Wednesday we headed to the mall and rode the escalators! This of course is the highlight of Dillan's mall trips. He loves them so much. He elected to ride the escalator instead of the carousel or the train. Okay by me...because the escalator is FREE!

Thursday we went and saw Toy Story 3...again. Dillan is in love with all things Toy Story and this was the 3rd time he had seen it. Dollar theaters are great for little ones. Give him a water bottle and a bag of popcorn and he is set! Thursday night I had a get together with some friends for a card club done by my wonderful friend, Laura Widdison (we went to high school together and were in the same ward).

Friday was spent hanging around the house again. We did meet Clint and Carrie for lunch. It was so nice to see them....it had been way too long! We ran a couple errands and spent the evening at home.

Saturday we decided to have a grand adventure. Grandma, Dillan, and I rode the Trax Train from Sandy to Gateway and trolled the mall, played in the fountain, had lunch, and went to the Planetarium. Dillan really wanted to go to the Children's Museum, but I didn't want to pay the price for just an hour of play. Another day my love, another day. We did that last time we stayed at my moms and it was a hit. We jumped on the train to head home and he requested that we stop at Temple Square to see the "really big temple." We toured the tabernacle and walked the grounds leisurely. It was nice. Then caught the train again home.

Jeremy's flight came in about 9pm and Dillan was so excited to see his daddy. Only problem is that he fell asleep half way to the airport. Ehh, what can you do. The drive home was uneventful and nice to chat with Jeremy without Dillan asking a million questions.
Overall, it was a good week, but I am so glad to have Jeremy home. I wears me out to watch Dillan all by myself day in and day out. I need that repreeve at 5pm each day! lol